PI Eligibility Request
Purpose: The purpose of this workflow is to outline the process and requirements for requesting principal investigator (PI) eligibility. If a PI is not established in the system and wants to submit a grant, this is the application process that is utilized.
- Request PI eligibility from SRP via email to SRPTickets
- Determine if PI is eligible per RED definition.
- If yes, send request to add to eCAF system to BusOps via ticket system. Proceed to the Business Operations tab.
- If no, send PI eligibility form to PI. Proceed to the next tab.
Once SRP receives the PI's intent to apply, they review the funding solicitation, we inform PI if there are any issues with eligibility.
- Complete and sign the PI Eligibility form.
- Obtain the Patent Acknowledgement Form from the UCPath Portal and complete.
- Submit PI Eligibility form, biosketch, and the Patent Acknowledgement form and any outside lab affiliations to SRP
- Submit documentation to PI's chair for approval.
- Send approved PI eligibility form and biosketch to Bus Ops via ticket system.
Business Operations
- Submit PI eligibility form and biosketch to RED via Enterprise Access Control System (EACS)
- Receive RED approval notification.
- Add PI to eCAF system.
- PI may apply for grants.